Engineering Ministries International (EMI) is a non-profit Christian development organization made up of architects, engineers and desgin professionals who donate their skills to help children and families around the world step out of poverty and into a world of hope.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Good Morning,

Its a glorious morning, the snow is lightly falling and its not to cold. 

Here is what has happened so far, I have had donations come in and I am roughly at 1,500 dollars. Which means I still need 7,500 dollars. The Lord is so amazing and has showed me so much with everything that is going on. I will hopefully will be leaving Feb 7th, so I can get to England at a decent time on the 8th. I am so excited to see what the Lord does with my internship. Combining two of my favorites loves in one. The verse that is coming to mind when I write is this: 

"For I know the Plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper, not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

He has everything planned out for us, and I am so overjoyed with the possiblites that he has in store for me in this chapter of my life. Please continue to pray for me as I pray for each one of you. 

God Bless,


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